Finca Villa Betulia, Pink Bourbon, Sommerkaffe

Sommerkaffe fra Colombia. Villa Hermosa drives av Flor Penna. En driftig dame! Hun jobber sammen med Pergamino. En kaffeeksportør som har ca. 600 småskala bønder i porteføljen sin. De kjøper all kaffe som får en score over 84.

PrisNOK159,00 inkl. mva.
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Land: Colombia
Region: Huila
Prosess: Vasket
Høyde: 1550moh
Kaffebær: Pink Bourbon
Smaksprofil: Rabarbra, bær, frisk og lett søtlig
Bryggemetode: Presskanne, V60, AeroPress og filter

Super digg kaffe fra Luis Anibal Calderón som dyrker sine 20 hektar på Villa Betulia. Senere år har de skiftet fokus til mer eksklusive kaffebær, som Pink Bourbon.



Luis Anibal Calderón lives at Finca Villa Betulia with his wife and 4 sons. He first purchased the farm in 2005. Arley has a quality lab that allows him to roast and taste specialty coffees. With the lab, he can evaluate coffees and learn what clients like. Luis’s sons work alongside him on the farm and are learning to cultivate these specialty varieties. 

In search of a way to remain profitable, he began planting specialty coffee varieties in 2012, when he planted 5,000 Geisha trees on around 5% of his farm. Ten years later, it was apparent to Luis Anibal that returns from cultivating Geisha were worth the extra effort. He decided to dedicate his entire farm to farm more delicate and rare specialty varieties, such as Geisha and the Pink Bourbon in this lot. His dream is to produce 100% exotic varieties like these on his farm and would like drinkers of his coffee to understand the effort and love his family puts into their coffees. 

Today, Villa Betulia is planted with a wide range of specialty varieties including Geisha, Tabi, Java, Sidra, Striped Bourbon, Maragogype, Pacamara, Marageisha and several varieties of dwarf Geisha.

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